Food and health
Our learning program is based on taking extra care of our children's physical and mental health.
We change the duration of the activities in the classroom according to children's age:
✧ Daily outside activities;
✧ We have sport classes with a professional teacher.
The children take naps and most importantly, they have a healthy and balanced nutrition.
According to various scientific studies, children's healthy diet directly affects their brains' growth and development. The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends that five (5) fruits and vegetables should be included in children's diet on a daily basis.
scientific base
1,545 kcal
per day recommends The World Health Organization for girls 4-6 years
per day recommends The World Health Organization for boys 4-6 years
1,715 kcal
of the daily norm children can get from breakfast and lunch
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Our students love to be creative and happily participate in culinary master classes, preparing traditional dishes of different countries and cultures.
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